
Postgraduate Specialization recognized by the AETG (Spanish Association of Gestalt Therapy)

Training to Broaden the Gaze

A theoretical and experiential training designed for those who have completed a growth process and want to continue researching, developing and cultivating their creativity through the art of Clown and Gestalt.
The intention of this Post-Graduate program is to offer therapeutic accompaniment professionals some very efficient tools for group interventions, helping people to explore and put their shadow into play on stage through a character built from the clumsiest, the most innocent and also the most genuine part of each of us- our clown!

Clown, when joined with Gestalt (or vice versa) allows us to set a playful focus- and not for that a less profound one- on our unfinished business- it gives us an opportunity to understand that from play, expression and emptiness emerge the new, the different, the creative…
A possibility of having another perspective on therapeutic process.

Who is this program for?
For graduates of Gestalt diploma program, psychology graduates, medical doctors, psychiatrists, nurses, educators, social workers, artists, socio-cultural entertainers and in general, any helping professional or person interested in their personal growth (who wants to add to their resource repertoire and has completed a therapeutic process).

This is a pioneering training program in Spain
It is NOT designed to train professional stage clowns or hospital clowns.
A pre-admission interview is required.

.- To learn through experience of clown techniques and their combination with Gestalt therapy.
.- To discover your own clown and with them, the opportunity to deal with unfinished business in your personal process.
.- To integrate in a theoretical-experiential way the ideal tools to accompany others.
.- To learn to use humour and expression as means for growth.
.- To amplify Presence and Listening on stage and your sense of Humour.
.- To increase your potential for mental, physical and emotional awareness.
.- To develop creativity and the ability to de-dramatize.

* Initiation in Clown technique. Expression and Play. The group as audience and as trusted space.
* Work with the inner child. Undoing knots and creating ties.
* Knowledge, development and experimentation with the attitude of clown: open, available and vulnerable.
* Embodied approach: awareness, movement and senses. Rigidities and strengths. Work with energy centres. Vitality on stage and in life.
* Awareness. Gaze: contact and withdrawal from the clown perspective.
* Creation of your own clowns and their biography.
* Polarities: to be or not to be.
* Trust: finding a state of fluidity and re-connection with life.
* Three centres, three loves: expanding the capacity to love.
* Here and now: perspective on success and failure for a clown. *Development of listening on all its levels.
* Supervision and practice space.
* Closing dynamic from a place of creativity, humour and awareness.

The workshops will be given in Madrid, Sevilla and Palma de Mallorca…

Request a pre-admission interview:
APPLICATIONS NOW OPEN FOR THE 6th GENERATION. Dates for 2020 are already set.

14 modules distributed over 1.5 years (approx.)
1st cycle: Basic Course: Experience as a path of learning (7 modules)
2nd cycle: Advanced Course: Depth and Integration (7 modules)
Total: 238 hours of theoretical and experiential classes.

Faculty – Lead Trainers

Nestor Muzo (Director)

*Actor, Clown and Artistic Director, has dedicated more than 30 years to professional theatre, having toured with his productions nationally and internationally. He has been working for 16 years with children in hospital settings as a hospital clown. Co-creator and Artistic Director of the “Doctores Apapachos” in Puebla, México.
*Trained in acting over 10 years in Argentina and Spain and in the Estudio Corazza, Paco Giménez, Cristina Rota… He has also worked on Clown with Eric de Bon´t, Jacques Lecoq, Carlos Colombaioni among others.
*Gestalt trained, he is a trainer and supervisor registered with the AETG and a collaborator with various Gestalt training schools. He has a Post Graduate diploma in Group Analysis and Management, Creativity (Paco Peñarrubia) and has completed the Integrative Psychotherapy formation (SAT). A disciple of Dr. Claudio Naranjo, he has worked with the SAT training programs in Mexico and Brazil. Adjunct Professor with Claudio Naranjo’s Foundation in the Family Encounters. *He is a Wing Wave certified Coach.
*He is currently combining explorations with Clown and personal development and teaching work through workshops in conferences and at training centres in Europe and Latin América.

Marina Gutiérrez 

*Actress, Clown and Director with more than 35 years of professional experience. In 1987, she founded her own theatre company. She co-created and produced more than 20 shows. The last 8 productions she has worked on as an actress, director or producer have had to do with clown technique in theatre and movement.
*She has been a student of Paco Giménez, Cristina Rota, Juan Carlos Corazza, Augusto Fernandes, Philippe Gaulier and Eric de Bon’t among others.
*Instructor of Psychocorporal and Transpersonal Techniques for Harmonic Development, Member of Rio Abierto, Spain and International. Authentic Movement. Integrative Transpersonal Psychotherapy and Eneagram with Dr. Claudio Naranjo. Gestalt Therapist. Post graduate training in Group Analysis and Creativity and Group Dynamics (Paco Peñarrubia) Full member of the AETG.
*Adjunct Professor with Estudio Corazza for Actors and the Claudio Naranjo Foundation.
*She currently combines individual therapy and acting interpretation, with specific teaching projects on Clown, Jester, Movement and Expression at national and international conferences and in Gestalt and Movement training institutes.